hi! i'm joce.

I’ve been a maker for as long as I can remember. Walking into an A.C. Moore (RIP) as a kid was my version of being wide-eyed at a candy store.

I’m drawn to exploring all artistic mediums – vocal improv, block printing, writing, dance, prototyping and graphic design.

Over the past 7 years, I’ve harnessed my creative life force into a career that sits somewhere between product and brand design. I'm currently working on Growth initiatives at Propel.

I feel really lucky that I get to combine my love for craft, systems thinking, and service – all into a practice that responds to problems that actually matter.

what excites me

Curiosity + humility. People are complex. I approach my work and am energized by teams with low-ego. Starting from this place invites curiosity, driving my own research with a beginner’s mindset and the willingness to challenge assumptions.

Bringing structure and storytelling to ambiguity. From the verbal, loosely-said idea to illustrative mocks that can show-better-than-tell… bringing clarity to a mess of spaghetti through words, analogies, visuals, and prototypes is my favorite thing.

Collaboration, scheming, momentum. I appreciate hacking stuff together, working elbow-to-elbow with writers, engineers, PMs, and just about anyone willing to get their hands dirty.

Fun + play. In the words of Paula Scher, if you can’t play… you can’t make anything. No matter how challenging the problem, I embrace a state of play to unlock creativity and joy in the process.

Real, tangible impact on people. There are a lot of archaic systems that affect our day-to-day, and I truly believe design can leave things better than how we found them.

Any of the following: vocal improvisation, climbing, biking, and consistent, meaningful community-building in New York.